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Kicking off October 17th!

Hey New UXer!

Ready to land & crush your first ux role with confidence?

Learn more

are you tired of...

seeking advice from everyone

needing more experience

applying to hundreds of jobs

You have all the pieces — you just need to know what to do with them

What if... you stepped into your first UX role knowing you’ll make an impact, confident it’s an environment that will support you, and you walk into that first day head held high.

In an interview, you're excited to share your experiences and share why you’re an amazing contribution.

No longer ruminating on LinkedIn hot-takes about bootcamp grads or waiting on pins and needles for responses. Confident that you’ve taken care of what’s in your control and that you're making progress for yourself.
Photo by fauxels from Pexels

you can't "numbers game" your job search forever

Tackling everything all at once over a weekend, isn't the move

Between your resume, networking, preparing for interviews, finding junior positions (that aren't asking for 5+ years of experience), and that dreaded portfolio... your to-do list is a mile long and your calendar full.

It's no wonder you're overwhelmed and seeking out advice from multiple people.

What if you had a framework to focus on one career area at a time, where each step built on the previous AND prepared you for the next one? Where you felt even more capable, confident, and prepared as you moved further in your job search?

hear from past students:

I feel like I've finally found my people in this UX community! That conference was everything I needed and more. Thank you for helping me find my confidence!
First time attending a conference and it happened to be UX Hustle, and I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity.
It was AH-MAZ-ING... I got everything I needed and more at the UX Hustle Summit. Thank you for a life-changing experience!

are you ready to..

believe in yourself

showcase your strengths

land your place in UX


Land & crush your first UX role

A 12 week mastermind program to give you the confidence and support in your UX job search and beyond 🚀

Mountain illustration

Exclusive Offer

Right now, when you sign up for UX Portfolio PowerPlay you not only get the 6 week course, 7 weeks of group coaching calls and office hours, and a kick-ass portfolio...

You also get a ticket to the UX Hustle Summit, the only UX career conference AND the opportunity to showcase your portfolio at the summit! In front of hiring managers, UXers, and more!

Sign me up

this is for you if...

  • You’re overwhelmed with all the steps, information, and feedback on job searching and want to take ownership of your job search experience
  • You finished a bootcamp or are self-taught, but are struggling to land that first UX role
  • You recently took a job search break due to burnout and want to move forward feeling empowered and confident
  • You’re in a bootcamp and want to focus on your job search while learning 
  • You recently started your first UX role and want a group & expert advice to beat imposter syndrome

this is not for you if...

  • You don’t want to reflect on your experience and opportunities for improvement
  • You don’t believe you have any control over your job search
  • You want someone to tell you exactly what to do and how to do it without any input from you
Amanda has this incredible ability to listen to what I've said, and present it back to me in a profound and insightful manner. Through our conversations together, she helped me clear a fog of uncertainty that shrouded what I wanted in my career as a designer.

- Darrin L.
[Amanda has] helped change my life so much already! ... I appreciate [Amanda] playing a huge role in my metamorphosis as a designer.

- Junior UXer
Amanda is a great coach and career specialist and the insights and experience she provides are wonderful! ... Her background was much like my own, as a pivoter, and that gives her the ability to really understand how to go into the industry change as well as map out solid strategies. I highly recommend setting up a session!

- Ali W.
I highly recommend Amanda's coaching. Lots of amazing takeaways on our sessions!

- Tiffany H.

what to expect in land & crush your first UX role

Live job search & "on the job" trainings

Each week we alternate between job search and on the job trainings so that you're not only focusing on landing that UX job, but also preparing yourself when you're in the job!

Hear from experts inside and outside of UX share their advice on topics like: giving and receiving feedback, on-boarding on a new team, freelancing, and more!

Live Group coaching sessions

Each week you'll have the opportunity to work through whatever challenges you're experiencing in your job search or first role and get specific feedback from Amanda and the group.

private community of UXers

Get the support and perspective you need from the other UXers in similar places in their careers. Sometimes you just need a second opinion to get out of your own head, to vent, and to know you're not alone. And because this is a set group for 12 weeks, you don't have to worry about people coming in and out of the discussion.

course materials on tangible skills

Each module includes video instruction, Notion portal, and Miro templates to keep all your work organized. The videos are about 10-20 min each and include work-along time.

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module 1: Confident Networking

  1. Why UX?
  2. Crafting your elevator pitch
  3. Defining how you want to show up — in person and online
  4. Making the most of LinkedIn

module 2: Resume (aka Hype-sheet)

  1. Finding the power in your past experiences
  2. Gratitude in your past careers
  3. Resume 101: Showcasing your past in your resume
  4. Resume 102: Talking about your learning experience and projects
  5. Making first impressions with your cover letter

module 3: interviewing

  1. How your internal communication reflects your external communication
  2. Storytelling and practicing your stories
  3. Talking about challenges and gaps in your experience
  4. Learning from networking

module 4: case study extravaganza

  1. The purpose of your case study
  2. Storytelling through your case study
  3. Addressing gaps or assumptions in your case study
  4. Visual storytelling and making the most of your time

module 5: Job Search Strategy

  1. Taking stock of your current strengths, skills, and connections
  2. Defining your career non-negotiables
  3. Keeping track of connections, contacts, and job applications
  4. Working with recruiters

module 6: Your UX portfolio site

  1. Why have one?
  2. Deciding what platform to use
  3. 5 Questions your portfolio should answer
  4. Information architecture
  5. Talking about yourself in your portfolio

Join us starting october 17th!

[First Role] Pay in Full[First Role] Pay in Full

Camp Case Study Special


  • 12 Weekly LIVE job search & "on the job" trainings
  • 12 Weekly group coaching calls
  • Access to 6 module course with tangible skills
  • Private online community to connect with other UXers
Sign Up

Exclusive Bonuses!

90 minute one-on-one review session with AManda

Co-work, get feedback on, or practice on any of your career assets: portfolio, case studies, resume, or interview prep

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Job Search strategy module

Instead of focusing on applying to hundreds of jobs, this NEW EXCLUSIVE module focuses on using your career goals and career non-negotiables to create a unique job search strategy so you can land your dream UX job — not just any job.

LIVE group resume hype-session

When you look at your resume, do you feel confident in all that you've accomplished or do you only see the gaps that you can't fill from the job description? In this exclusive training, we'll go through your resume so that you can feel as confident as possible when sending it off in applications!

payment options

Pre-Sale Pay in Full

Black Friday Bundle



  • 12 Pre-recorded modules
  • Weekly Brunch Group Calls
  • Exclusive OOUX & Webflow trainings
  • Notion career portal
  • Private Slack Channel
  • Co-Working Hours
  • Office Hours
  • Permission to Offend Book Club
  • 3 months of Career Design Club
  • BONUS: Camp: Case Study Access
  • BONUS: Goal-Setting Access
  • BONUS: Self-Promotion Access
  • Bonus: UX Hustle Juice Mug
  • Bonus: 90 minute coaching session ($333 value) — expires November 4th
  • Class starts with a Kick-Off Brunch on Saturday, January 7th
Join Now
Pre-Sale: Payment Plan

Payment Plan

$600 x 3

  • 12 Pre-recorded modules
  • Weekly Brunch Group Calls
  • Exclusive OOUX & Webflow trainings
  • Notion career portal
  • Private Slack Channel
  • Co-Working Hours
  • Office Hours
  • Permission to Offend Book Club
  • 3 months of Career Design Club
  • BONUS: Camp: Case Study Access
  • BONUS: Goal-Setting Access
  • BONUS: Self-Promotion Access
  • Class starts with a Kick-Off Brunch on Saturday, January 7th
Join Now

Got Questions? Schedule a 15 minute consult so you can be sure UX Portfolio PowerPlay is the right next step for you.

what will shift for you?

Thank you so much for everything at UX Hustle! Definitely already planning on coming next year #GAFAM :)
The knowledge I walked away with will help me for years to come.
My biggest takeaway was don't be afraid to put your authentic self out there. I really enjoyed how human this conference was.

Who is AManda Worthington?

Hi! I'm amanda and I've been helping UXers with their careers since 2019

I pivoted my career into UX back in 2017 and successfully landed my first full-time UX job 4 days out of my bootcamp.

Now, yes, that's a bit of a brag — but the framework I used then (with updates from others' experiences, changes in the remote workforce, and my own career coaching practice) is what I share in Land Your First UX Role.

This program uniquely combines strategy, identity and mindset, and taking action so that you'll have a well-rounded job search experience.

And so I help UXers:

  • Get clear on their career goals using their unique strengths and experiences
  • Design a job search strategy that connects their past experience to UX
  • Create experiences where they're excited to move forward in their job search
  • Define their Special Sauce™ so that they're building credibility in their first UX role and in their career
Slack message screenshot saying "I have so many things — just do it, invest in yourself, you can definitely use it as a quick fix, but I think it's best approached as a "lifestyle change", if the concern is money and time — just do the payment plan — think about the knowledge you will walk away with for a brief couple of weeks, if it's the time commitment, you always have access to the info so you can do it on your own time. but I really like just do itSlack message screenshot saying "Amanda has this incredible ability to listen to what I've said, and present it back to me in a profound and insightful manner. Through our conversations together, she helped me clear a fog of uncertainty that shrouded what I wanted in my career as a designer.

choose your option

Our Kick-off Brunch Call is on Saturday, July 24th. So sign up now so you don't miss out!

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frequently asked questions

When does UXPPP start?

The next cohort of UXPPP kicks off on Saturday, June 4th with a brunch call at 10:00AM EST so you can meet the other PowerPlayers!

Can I get a refund after I join UXPPP?

You may get a refund within 14 days of the group program starting. In order to receive a refund, you must show you have accessed all the materials, provided us with proof of completion of the materials provided to you up to that point, and agree to a 30-60 minute phone call to discuss why UXPPP was not a good fit for you.

I just got out of a UX bootcamp, is UXPPP still right for me?

Honestly, it depends. If you're looking for your first UX role, I'd recommend focusing on fine-tuning your resume and case studies, and practicing your whiteboard challenges and interview stories. And while we go over this in UXPPP, it's meant for designers that have more experience knowing what they do and don't want in their next job.

If you've been contracting or want this next role to be more than a "get your foot in the door" role, then UXPPP is right for you.

I have my own UX/Design business, could UXPPP help me?

Absolutely! We've had multiple business owners go through this program to get clear on their offers and showcase their work to get more clients.

I've never used Webflow, will I be behind?

Nope! Most of our Portfolio PowerPlayers haven't used Webflow before. There's a bit of a learning curve, but we've added technical office hours during the Webflow weeks so that you feel supported.

ready to take your place in UX?

I'm Ready

© Amanda Worthington, LLC. All rights reserved.

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